Moerman, Michael's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Western Culture and the Thai Way of Life1964
2.Report of Social Science Advisory Work at the NSO1965
3.From Boss to Broker: The Changing Role of Headman in a Thai-Lu Village, from Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Boston1962
4.Being Lue: Uses and Abuses of Ethnic Identification, from Essays on the Problem of Tribe1968
5.Ban Ping's Temple : The Center of a "Loosely Structured" Society1966
6.The Study of Thai Society: Summary Comments, from Loosely Structured Social Systems; Thailand in Comparative Perspective1966
7.Analysis of Lue Conversation: Providing Accounts, Finding Branches, and Taking Sides1968
8.Agricultural change and peasant choice in a Thai village1968
9.Chiangkham's Trade in the "Old Days", from Change and Persistence in Thai Society, Essays in Honor of Lauriston Sharp1975
10.Kinship and commerce in a Thai-Lue village1966
11.A Quarter Century of Change in a Thai-Lue Village1989
12.A Little Knowledge